Sections A and B
1. Which of the eleven reasons for believing are the most likely to lead
us into wrong beliefs? Why?
2. Why is what a friend or even all of our friends believe not a good
reason for believing something.
3. What can make all eleven of the reasons for believing work together
to enable us to know what to believe?
4. What is it about the world we live in that makes its so important
that we have a reliable, authoritative standard for deciding what we will believe?
5. Why is Jesus Christ our final authority for deciding what to believe?
6. Is there anything which we need to know for our fundamental belief
system which the Lord Jesus cannot give us? Why? Can you quote a verse of the Bible to
support your answer?
7. What is the source of the knowledge we need to test for truth the
confusing maze of beliefs which the world offers to our minds?
8. What is meant by "interpretation of data"?
9. What two facts are important to remember concerning the
interpretation of data?
10. What are the observed data to be considered in interpreting the
11. State one of the four basic rules for interpreting the Bible.
12. What should be the main objective of the education provided by a
Christian school?
13. Is there any school, college or university in which a Christian
student can afford to lay aside critical thinking about new ideas?
Section C-1
1. What does the Bible say about Jesus Christ which tells us that He is
Lord of science?
2. What did the Lord Jesus say which relates to what many scientists are
studying today?
3. Will we Christians in this life ever gain enough knowledge of the
scientific evidence for creation so that we can say that we do not need to rely on faith?
Explain your answer.
4. What are the four perspectives from which things are viewed in the
first three chapters of Genesis?
5. State two reasons given in Genesis 1 for rejecting the evolutionary
6. What is an important advantage which Christians involved in science
have over unbelieving scientists?
7. Suggest one type of research which a Christian biologist would not
likely be interested in, although unbelieving biologists may be giving their all to it.
Explain why this is.
8. Does a person have to believe in either evolution or creation to be a
good scientist?
9. Suggest two marks of a good scientist.
10. State two rules of the scientific method.
11. Can science determine whether or not angels exist? Explain why or
why not?
12. What is a scientific hypothesis?
13. What is the most important requirement for scientific hypotheses?
14. Can science determine moral right and wrong? Why or why not?
15. What is the ultimate authority in science? That is, if a theory is
questioned, what is the final basis for supporting it?
16. Does a student have the right in a science class to criticize or
question a theory held by great scientists or by the majority of scientists?
Section C-2
1. What are the primary and most fundamental data of history?
2. What are the secondary data of history?
3. State what you think, according to the Bible, is one of the major
themes of history?
4. According to the biblical view, what is the goal of history?
5. What are two principal themes of the secular perspective on history?
6. If a Christian is going to attend a secular college, why is it
important that he or she make an extra effort to know the Christian perspective in the
subject areas of the various courses taken.?
7. List two types of historical information in which a Christian student
should have some preparation.
8. List three important tactics for Christian students to use in
neutralizing the secular perspective in history