Note: Some
of the survival kit questions are personalized and, therefore, it
is not practical to include sample answers
to them in this answer set.
A. Why Do We Believe What We Believe?
1. There Are Many Reasons for Believing
A-2. Reason 1, the example of parents and other family members, can be
sure to be a good reason for believing only if those family members are themselves
committed to and have practical knowledge of a correct, reliable source of truth. If they
do, they will want the children in their family to learn from their good example of
walking in the truth. What a marvelous blessing and gift from God it is for a child who
grows up in a family where the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ are the highest sources of
truth and a role model for life.
Reason 8, ideas and attitudes we get on TV and other media, should be
considered very critically by every Christian. This is because the vast majority of the
people who write, produce, or act in TV or write in the print media are either ignorant of
real Christianity or are hostile to the Christian faith.
Reason 10, attention to the Word of God through reading and correct
teaching and preaching is for Christians the most important basis for determining what we
believe. Care must be taken to have the correct understanding of what God has said in the
Bible, for there are many misguided teachers and preachers of the Bible.
A-3. Most reliable reasons for believing: Reasons 1, 2 and 10 (with 11).
[Note: if God and His Word are truly honored in lives and ministry of parents, teacher and
Most unreliable reasons for believing: Reasons 6, 7 and 8.
2. We Need Reliable Standards for Making
Judgments, and God Provides Them.
A-4. In a world in which there are so many conflicting opinions and so
many kinds of contradictory propaganda battering our minds from all sides, a person is
bound to be in a state of confusion unless he has a reliable, constant standard of truth
on which to base judgments.
A-5. It should be obvious to every Christian that God alone is the
source of reliable, unchanging truth on which we can base our judgments.
A-6. No, Christ must be Lord of every area of life and of all our ideas,
thoughts and attitudes. Unless this is true, He is obviously not yet Lord of all to us.
A-7. Jesus Christ is qualified to guide our judgments because He is God
our Creator, Saviour and Sustainer. He owns us and our lives by right of creation,
redemption, and moment by moment sustenance.
3. By the Bible, God's Word, We Can Test for
A-8. In order to test ideas for truth, the first thing we need is a
solid, practical knowledge of the truth which applies to particular ideas.
A-9. The prime source of truth for Christians is, of course, the Bible.
A-10. The verb, to sanctify, means to set aside and prepare something to
be used by God for His holy purposes.
A-11. The first and most important thing which God wants to accomplish
in us is to make us holy, i.e., to sanctify us. Only then are we fully usable by Him.
A-12. In using the Bible for any purpose, we must be careful to
interpret it correctly, i.e., we must be sure that we correctly understand what God has
A-13. In order to apply Bible knowledge in making right judgments and
decisions, we must know the facts of a situation and we must interpret them correctly.
4. Correct Interpretation Is Very Important.
A-14. To interpret means to reason from the observed data or facts to
determine what they mean.
A-15. If we are to interpret observed data or facts correctly, two
important things to remember are that any set of facts can have more than one meaning, and
that the interpretation of facts is influenced by the presuppositions of the interpreter.
A-16. The fundamental assumption made by most paleontologists when they
interpret fossils is that evolution is a fact.
A-17. No, a Christian paleontologist approaches his work with
preconceived assumptions, just as the secular scientist does.
A-18. No, the religious or irreligious belief systems embraced by a
scientist does not make him either more or less "scientific."
A-19. Four rules of biblical interpretation are:
a. Literal interpretation unless there is a reason for figurative
b. The first choice of meaning of any word is determined by the context.
c. After the immediate context the general use of the word elsewhere in
the Scriptures is to be considered.
d. If a verse seems ambiguous, the meaning is decided on the basis of
other pertinent scriptures which are unambiguous.
A-20. Some supposed contradictions in the Bible result from wrong
interpretation of either the Bible or of the observed facts.
5. The Importance of Being a Critical Thinker
A-21. Several reasons for the importance of being a critical thinker
a. Christ admonished us to be wise as serpents.
b. The unbelievers who make things happen are usually thinkers.
c. Christians need to study, do their homework in order to be well
informed, to know the facts.
d. But study does not lead to being well informed unless one is always
alert and critical about the information which he is studying. God warns us to "test
all things" and "test the spirits, whether they are of God."
A-22. Worldlings are walking in darkness because they have closed their
hearts and minds to the Lord Jesus.
A-23. A lazy-minded Christian will not likely be a logical thinker
because he has not been doing his homework and practicing the art of thinking critically.
6. Summary and conclusions: The Truth Test for
What We Believe
A-24. A Christian can learn to think critically because the Lord Jesus
has promised to give His children light and wisdom in this world. However, to enjoy this
promise requires mental discipline and experience in practical application.
B. Critical Thinking About What We
Learn in School
A-25. Christian students may attend a secular school in which God and
the Christian perspective have no place, a Christian school which centers all education in
Christ, or a Christian school in which some of the teaching is pretty much secular and not
centered in Christ.
A-26. Critical thinking is required to discern different possible
answers to a question and in order to distinguish and be aware of the presuppositions
which are involved in the different interpretations of the observed facts.
A-27. Christian students can put Matthew 5:14-16 into practice in the
classroom by (1) first of all, knowing what they believe, (2) becoming a competent
student, (3) listening and reading critically, (4) asking in the class intelligent
questions which reveal the errors in the secular position or which at show that the
Christian perspective is intellectually respectable, and (5) choosing topics for assigned
papers with a view to presenting an apologetic for the Christian perspective in the course
subject area.
C. Testing Important Areas of
Knowledge by the Word of God
1. Testing Science and Science Courses by the
Word of God
A-28. If a Christian whose knowledge of science is quite limited is
confronted by claims of scientists or teachers of science which seem to contradict the
clear teaching of the Scriptures, his first responsibility is to, the appropriate time, to
put the biblical teaching in contrast with the secular one. If any evidence in support of
the biblical teaching is available, it may be possible to put it to use in such a
a. Jesus Christ Is Lord of Science
A-29. Since Jesus Christ is Lord of all, He is our Lord and is worthy of
our confidence and our obedience as in this world we face ideas which contradict the Word
of God. So we take courage to let His truth be known in an appropriate way whenever truth
is at stake.
A-30. Yes, Jesus in John 5:45-47 put the writings of His prophet Moses
on the same level as His own words. Both are the Word of God. And Moses in Genesis wrote
about the creation of all things by God, an idea which thousands of scientists are busily
trying to disprove.
A-31. John 5:45-47, to Christians, means that Jesus, who is Lord of all
things including science, has told us that He authenticates what Moses wrote about
creation. Therefore, Christian students studying science are justified in rejecting the
secular concept of an evolutionary world in which God had and has no part.
A-32. As Christians our decision to believe Moses rather than secular
science is grounded in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Since neither scientists nor
Moses were present to observe God's work of creation, Moses has the advantage, because he
on God's authority as God's prophet received divinely revealed truth about the beginning.
Scientists who reject the Bible do have this favor, for by their own choice they are
blinded to the truth.
b. Summary: Christians, Believers in Christ and
the Bible, Walk by Faith.
A-33. Christians should believe in creation, first of all, because of
their faith in Jesus Christ and in the Bible as the Word of God.
A-34. Scientific evidence which can be interpreted in support of
biblical creation is a gift from God to His people to strengthen their faith and to
provide them with means of persuading sinners to turn to the Lord.
A-35. No, in this life we must continue to walk by faith, for God has
ordained it so (II Cor. 5:7). It is only in heaven that we will know even as we are known,
and be able to walk by sight.
A-36. Some "facts of faith" which encourage Christians to
stand against error are our faith in Jesus Christ which saved us from our sins, the
knowledge we have of the Scriptures and our experience that they speak the truth, and the
daily reality of the new life which Christ has given His people.
c. What Does Genesis Teach About Creation and
A-37. The first chapter of Genesis is a chronology because it reports in
order the history of the six days of creation.
A-38. The four different perspective from which Moses reports the
historical events of chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis are: the entire created universe, the
earth in the solar system, the earth's surface, and man on God's earth in his relationship
to God.
A-39. Teachings of Genesis 1 and 2 include God's creation of all things,
ex nihilo, by divine fiat, in the space of six days, all very good, the kinds separate and
designed to reproduce each after its own kind, man in the image of God, Eve formed from
Adam's side, and the fall of Adam and Eve into an estate of sin.
A-40. No, the evolution origin of man is precluded by the facts related
in Genesis 2 that Adam was "alone" and that Eve was formed from Adam's side.
A-41. Words are robbed of their meaning if Genesis is forced into an
evolutionary mold. Furthermore, the authority of the Bible is dealt a mortal blow. If the
words of Genesis become like putty to be bent to human notions, so does the rest of the
d. Christians Have an Advantage Over
A-42. It is the faith of Christians, by which they have knowledge of the
biblical world view, and thus are able to see see what fact mean in relation to God's
eternal plan.
A-43. Christians in science have an advantage over unbelieving
scientists, because they have received from God certain truths about the world which the
unbelievers reject out of hand. Thus the Christians do not waste their time pursuing some
of the false ideas about the world which seduce unbelievers.
A-44. Some secular scientists try to explain the supposed spontaneous
origin of life (abiogenesis), because they have faith in an uncreated, materialistic world
which continually transforms itself by evolution.
A-45. Christians are not interested in explaining abiogenesis, because
God has told them in the Scriptures that abiogenesis did not occur.
A-46. A Christian researcher in genetics would be interested in the
molecular biology of embryonic development, and in discovering genetic evidence of
separateness of the kinds, genetic mechanisms which keep the kinds separate, the limits of
variation within the boundaries of the kinds, or the identification of the created kinds.
e. The Requirements for Being a Good Scientist
A-47. Yes, a person who believes in evolution and rejects creation can
be a good scientist, provided that he or she abides by the rules of the method of
A-48. Yes, a persons who believes in creation and rejects evolution can
be a good scientist, provided that he or she abides by the rules of the method of
A-49. Yes, a scientist who believe in "little green men from
Mars" can be a good scientist, just as can believers in creation or evolution. His
work would be good science if the results of their experiments can be reproduced by other
scientists, and if their conclusions survive rigorous criticism and experimental testing.
f. Science: What It Is, Its Limitations, Its
Relation to Faith
1) What is Science?
A-50. Science is human experience systematically extended (by intent,
methodology, and instruments) for the purpose of learning more about the natural world and
for the critical testing of all ideas and theories about the natural world.
A-51. Yes, we learn some scientific facts through our experience with
our environment in every day life. For example, by playing baseball we learn something
about Newton's laws of motion. We find out by experience that a force can accelerate a
baseball in the direction of the applied force.
A-52. The "natural world" encompasses everything in the
universe which can be observed and measured with the natural senses and instruments.
A-53. In the course of ordinary life we experience through our natural
senses--feeling, taste, smell, vision, hearing, heat and cold, etc.
A-54. In science human experience is extended by the fact that there is
a reasoned intent to study nature, by designing effective methods to carry on that study,
and by the use of instruments which increase the scope and accuracy of our natural senses.
A-55. Possible motivations for scientific investigation include simple
curiosity, the desire to understand the causes of things, and the desire to solve a
practical problem.
A-56. A scientific hypothesis is an explanation of the relation of
certain observed data with other observed data and accepted laws and theories.
A-57. The central policy of the scientific method is the requirement
that all hypotheses must be capable of being tested experimentally and possibly falsified.
A-58. No, science obviously does not discover absolute truth, because
everything in science is open to reevaluation in the light of new knowledge and thus may
change. Absolution truth does not change.
A-59. Science aims to increase the breadth, depth and accuracy of our
knowledge of the natural world.
A-60. Science is self-correcting because no scientist's experimental
results or conclusions are immune to criticism and experimental testing by his peers.
2) What Are the Limitations of Science?
a) Science Cannot Investigate Anything Immaterial.
A-61. Science cannot investigate anything that is immaterial, because
any such entity cannot be detected or observed by the material instruments of science.
b) Science Is Neutral to Ethical, Moral and Spiritual
A-62. Science is neutral to ethical, moral and spiritual issues, because
these exist in the realm of immaterial thought and ideas and have no relation to the
system of natural law within which science must function.
A-63. No, a correct definition of science is philosophically neutral and
thus can have nothing to say about what scientists believe. This is because philosophical
and religious beliefs can be neither proved nor disproved by means of the scientific
method. Thus, to insert the requirement for or prohibition of any such belief into the
definition of science would be practicing the logical fallacy of begging the
question(i.e., assuming in advance that which is to be proved.)
A-64. Therefore, anybody should be free to participate in science who is
willing to work in accord with the rules of the method of research.
3) Authority in Science
A-65. The final authority in science is the reproducible data which can
be mustered in support of any concept, law or theory.
A-66. Whenever a statement made in a science book or classroom involves
faith, students have the right to ask for supporting scientific evidence.
4) Quality and Equality for Christians in
A-67. Christians should enjoy equality of opportunity to participate in
science, to suffer no discrimination or penalty based upon their beliefs, and to be judged
solely on the basis of the quality of their work.
A-68. Christians have the responsibility to strive to be professionally
competent, and to promote equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination for all
"believers" and "unbelievers" in the scientific enterprise. By these
and other qualities of their professional life they should make a statement concerning the
value of what they believe.
A-69. The answer to this question is a short essay.
2. Testing History Courses by the Word of God
A-70. One of the unique characteristics of biblical Christianity is that
it is based upon sovereign divine interventions into human history.
A-71. Anti-Christian textbook authors have studiously deleted from
history books any adequate treatment of the influence in history of God and of
Christianity in particular and religion in general, and have otherwise attempted to make
Christianity appear evil or ridiculous.
A-72. By doing this the authors of history texts have robbed many
generations of youth of any adequate or correct knowledge of the Christian foundations of
western civilization and of our free America, and have even sowed in millions of young
minds despite and hatred for the Christian founders of our nation. They have thus
obliterated from the modern American mind the correct knowledge of our national roots and
reason for existence as a nation.
a. What Is History?
A-73. History is a chronological record of human events, with
explanations of causes and relationships.
A-74. Two principal kinds of historical data are numerous kinds of
written reports of human events based on eye witness accounts, and many kinds of artifacts
produced by human activities.
b. What Is the Christian Perspective on History?
A-75. The initial fact of history at which the Christian perspective and
the secular perspective on history differ is the divine special creation of the human
A-76. Five principal themes of history in the Christian perspective are:
(1) The special creation of man separate from the animals, (2) the fall of man because of
the sin of disobedience into an estate of sin and misery, (3) the redemptive work of God
to bring fallen mankind back into fellowship with their Creator, (4) the divine election
of the patriarchs, of the nation of Israel from among the nations, and of the Church from
among the peoples, all to fulfill the sovereign will of God, and (5) the final
consummation of all things, the day of judgment, and the gather together of all things in
Jesus Christ.
c. What Is the Secular(non-Christian)
Perspective on History?
A-77. Principal themes of history in the secular perspective include:
(1) the assumption of a purely naturalistic history of man, with God totally excluded, (2)
the evolutionary rise of man from apish ancestors, (3) cultural evolution, including the
evolution of language, (4) a materialistic, amoral view of man and history, and (5)
degeneration of western civilization in general and of America and its Christian heritage
in particular.
d. Neutralizing the Secular Approach to History
1) Do Your Homework
A-78. Christian students in a secular school need to know well what they
believe and how their faith relates to the leading concerns in modern society. This
requires extra study.
a) The Basic Framework of Biblical History
A-79. A Christian student in a secular history class needs to know
biblical history in order to be able to make case against errors in the secular view of
b) The Basics of Archaeological Support for Biblical
A-80. Some basic knowledge of archaeological evidence which confirms the
historicity of the biblical record is valuable in refuting attacks against the veracity of
the biblical history.
c) Knowledge of Christianity in American, British and
European History
A-81. We hope so.
A-82. John Wyckliff served God and England by translating the Bible into
the current English idiom and disseminating it to the common people.
A-83. The Roman Catholic Church burned Jan Huss of Czechoslovakia at the
stake because he exposed the corruption and errors of the Church and preached biblical
doctrines which Rome hated.
A-84. Martin Luther struck the spark which initiated the Protestant
Reformation of the 16th century.
A-85. William Tyndale spent his adult life as a refugee in Europe, so
that he could translate the Bible into English and have it smuggled into England for the
common people to read.
A-86. The Pilgrims and Puritans relied upon the law of God in the
Scriptures as their fundamental source for civil and criminal law in the New England
A-87. Yes, the least we Christians in America today is to stand up
publicly for the great truths of the Christian faith and put them into open competition
with the failed secular ideas.
d) The Importance of Reading, Listening and Thinking
A-88. We hope so.
2) Some Important Tactics for Christian Students
a) Recognizing, Identifying the Secular Errors
A-89. Secular errors for which Christian students should be on the alert
include errors of fact, logical inconsistencies, unprovable assumptions of fact and
philosophy, and biases and prejudices.
b) Asking Intelligent, Probing Questions
A-90. Certainly not. No competent teacher can rightly complain if
students ask intelligent, probing questions and demand factual support for assumptions and
A-91. No competent teacher can rightly complain if students
intelligently question the validity of the teacher's opinions and conclusions.
A-92. In both history and science the final ground for correct
understanding of the subject is the pertinent teachings of the Scriptures, correctly
interpreted and applied to secular conclusions which conflict with biblical principles.
c) Demanding Evidence, Proof
A-93. A statement unsupported with suitable factual evidence can
properly be labeled as opinion.
A-94. One student who asks intelligent questions can thereby help other
students to start thinking for themselves and realize that there are other possibilities
than what is taught by the textbook or the teacher.
3. Testing Social Studies by the Word of God
a) Sociology
A-95. The terms "pluralism" or "pluralistic society"
refer to a society in which a broad range of life styles and ethnic, religious, political
viewpoints have equal status, influence and acceptance.
A-96. Often the advocates of pluralism are actively anti-Christian. For
them pluralism really means "pluralism minus one."
A-97. The reason pluralism is often applied so as to restrain the
influence of in society of biblical Christianity is that the natural man is offended by
the unique and exclusive claims of Jesus Christ upon every person.
A-98. The term "separation of church and state" does not
appear in the Constitution. It was uttered by Thomas Jefferson, who was no friend of
biblical Christianity.
A-99. The First Amendment does not forbid the influence of Christians
and the Christian faith in government and public affairs.
A-100. The First Amendment in the Establishment Clause and the Free
Exercise Clause forbids the federal government from establishing, supporting or
controlling any religious sect, and from forbidding or otherwise hindering the lawful
practices of any religious sect.
A-101. The Christians were in trouble in the Roman Empire because they
insisted that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the only personal revelation of God, and the
only Saviour offered to a sinful race. They therefore refused to practice the legally
required emperor worship along with their Christian faith.
A-102. Prime questions to ask would be: (1) Why should Christianity be
denied any place of influence in public policy? (2) Was the First Amendment originally
intended to protect the State from the Church or the Church from the State? (3) Why, then,
are New Age concepts and Eastern religious ideas and practices being taught in some public
schools? Is this to be accepted as constitutionally permitted? If so, why?
b) Psychology
A-103. The common fundamental assumption of most psychology books is
that man is an evolved animal, a part of the natural world, devoid of an immaterial
spiritual nature.
A-104. This logical sequence is outlined in the text. It is effective
and worthy of being memorized and put into practice, either with individuals or in
classroom situations.
A-105. If there is no divine, universal moral law, then the ultimate
moral and ethical authority is superior physical force.
c) Sex Education and Family Life Courses
A-106. The common and crucial flaw in sex education and family life
courses is that sexuality is discussed in an entirely amoral context in which there is
considered to be no moral right and wrong, other than some responsibility to avoid
infection and "unwanted pregnancies."
A-107. The term "situation ethics" refers the idea that, since
there is no absolute and universal moral law, right and wrong must be decided by each
individual on the basis of the factors in each situation and what the individual decides
is right and wrong.
A-108. Student preparation to counterattack immoral teachings in a sex
education or family life course must begin with knowledge of what the Bible specifically
teaches, accompanied by prayer for wisdom and courage to make the right applications in
the classroom situation.
A-109. Valuable questions are listed in the text.
d) Comparative World Religions and Bible
A-110. Textbooks used in comparative religion and Bible literature
courses are commonly biased against the traditional biblical Christian faith.
A-111. The majority of the mainline Protestant denominations have gone
over to theologies called "modernism" or "theological liberalism,"
which deny the fundamental doctrines of biblical Christianity.
A-112. These theologies can be characterized as "baptized
humanism," because they deny the truthfulness and authority of the Scriptures and the
sovereignty of God over His creatures. This leaves the human intellect and assorted human
preferences as the final authorities in life, and this viewpoint is the essence of
(1) Higher Criticism of the Bible and the JEDP
A-113. The fundamental assumptions of higher criticism are: (1) all
references to the supernatural and the miraculous in the Bible are false, (2) religion
began with polytheism which evolved into the monotheism of the Jews, and (3) books of the
Old Testament were not written by the people and at the times indicated in the Scriptures.
A-114. The primary evidence the higher critics used to support their
notion that Moses did not write the books of the Pentateuch was the fact that two names
for God, Jehovah and Elohim, are used in the Pentateuch.
A-115. This theory is know as the "JEDP Hypothesis" because it
was proposed that four different parties wrote various parts of the Pentateuch, people who
used the name Jehovah(J) for God, people who used the name Elohim(E) for God, people who
promoted the law and wrote the book of Deuteronomy(D), and priests who promoted the
authority of the priesthood(P).
A-116. This theory is also known as the "Documentary
Hypothesis" because there supposedly were original documents written by the J, E, D
and P parties, which documents were finally put together by "redactors" to
produce the Pentateuch.
A-117. The main problem with term, documentary, in "Documentary
Hypothesis" is the fact that no such documents have ever been found, nor is there any
evidence that they ever existed.
A-118. To get evidence for their alleged "documents," the
higher critics cut up the text of the Pentateuch into little pieces and arrange them into
four stacks labeled "J," "E," "D" and "P." In
other words, the evidence for their theory is manufactured.
(2) Getting Rid of a God Who Knows and Predicts
the Future
A-119. The higher critics divide Isaiah into two or perhaps three
Isaiahs, Isaiahs I, II and III. And Isaiah II is allowed to write only some time after
about 540 B.C.
A-120. Supposedly Isaiah I wrote chapters 1-39 and Isaiah II chapters 40
and following. This is because the historical Isaiah(Isaiah I) died about 690 B.C., and
Isaiah 44 and 45 prophesy the coming of King Cyrus around 150 years later who commanded
the Jews to return and rebuild the temple and the city of Jerusalem. But the higher
critics do not believe in a God who can prophesy the future, so they could not allow the
historical Isaiah(Isaiah I) to write chapters 44 and 45 of the Book of Isaiah. Therefore,
they created Isaiah II to report rather than prophesy about Cyrus. The principal reason
the higher critics had for creating the imaginary Isaiah II was that they had to rid
themselves of a God who could, through His prophet Isaiah, predict the name and the acts
of an emperor a century before he was born.
A-121. The critics have no historical evidence whatsoever for the
existence of an Isaiah II or an Isaiah III.
A-122. The higher critics make Daniel's prophecy a forgery written by
some unknown person over a century after Daniel died
A-123. The critics fabricated an imaginary forger of the prophecy of
Daniel in order to invalidate his remarkable predictions of Middle Eastern history a
century and more in advance, for example, the conquests of Alexander the Great.
A-124. There exists absolutely no historical evidence for a forger of
Daniel's prophecy, nor is there valid evidence that this book of the Old Testament was
written later than the time of historical Daniel.
A-125. The Lord Jesus Christ placed His approval on the prophecies of
Isaiah and Daniel by honoring and quoting from them as being the divinely inspired Word of
(3) Critics Attack the New Testament Also.
A-126. Supposedly, most of the reported acts and sayings of Jesus were
dreamed up by pastors, evangelists and teachers in the early church, circulated orally,
and then written down in many fragments.
A-127. The critics have absolutely no ancient documents or scraps of
documents to prove that the gospels were produced by gathering together many scraps
written by many people.
A-128. Assumptions of the New Testament critics include: (1) The writers
of the four gospels were limited to purely human sources for their information, (2) Jesus
did not have any consciousness of His being the Messiah.
A-129. The critics of the new Testament (and the Old Testament) beg the
question. In the New Testament case they assume a priori that the miraculous events in the
life of Jesus are not historical and could not have happened.
(4) Neutralizing Attacks on Biblical
Christianity in Comparative Religion and Biblical Literature Courses
A-130. The questions are in the Kit.
A-131. No, the Bible requires that Christians be ready at all times to
give a defense for the faith of Christ. Furthermore, a competent student has the
responsibility to raise questions about any teaching which he or she perceives to be
erroneous. How else can a Christian student better fulfill his or her duty to Christ and
to the educational community than by asking intelligent questions and readily defending
the truth when the Spirit of God gives opportunity.