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Introduction - How to use this Study

This study consists of four separate sections designed to illustrate Scripturally, the will of God, Spiritual warfare between the flesh and the Spirit, the application of the mind of Christ to all that we do and the fulfillment of God's will through daily application in all things. Each section consists of Scripture, an illustration and commentary that will show you what to do and why, how to apply God's will, as well as the requirements for fulfillment.

Each section is complete in itself, but together they present a total picture of what God requires and practical applications designed to help you truly fulfill the will of God by changing your outlook and perspective into one of eternal value as we see the will of God in an entirely new light.

Mark the verses that have special meaning to you and memorize those that are fully illustrated by the drawing. Examine each drawing carefully to grasp fully it's meaning and then read the explanation that is under it so that you understand it's message.

Write down any notes or thoughts that may come to mind that will help you to remember the truth that is being illustrated. Note also how the next drawing illustrates or helps to explain the previous page and builds toward a more complete understanding of the will of God.

Each page is a complete lesson in itself and each set of pages provides a comprehensive study of a concept. Review what you have learned and ask God to help you in the application of these truths.

Each of the four sections are independent studies and yet they also form a whole and should be studied as a whole unit as well, comparing the individual sections and then building upon what you have learned.

Remember, these illustrations are given as a means of explaining what you need to do in order for you to understand and apply them in a continued daily walk in the Light, so that the mind of Christ becomes your mind as you live each moment in accordance with His perfect will.

This is a way of life, complete in Him, allowing God to fulfill His will in us, that we may have that abundant life He has given to those who truly follow Him.

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