The purpose of this learning kit is to prepare students,
especially Christian students, to cope with the evolutionary indoctrination which may well
be thrown at them as they advance to higher grade levels or go on to secular schools. The
students are to gain control of the following types of information. 1. Why Christians should believe in the special creation
of all things in the beginning by God.
a. The basic
facts about God's work of creation which Moses reported in the Book of Genesis.
b. The admonition
which Jesus gave us to believe the writings of Moses. (John 5:45-47)
c. The fact that
in this life we must walk by faith. (II Cor. 5:7, Heb. 11:6)
d. The fact that
God has in His creation given us scientific evidence to support our faith. (Romans
1:19-20, Psalms 19:1-2.
e. The importance
to the Christian faith of the biblical teaching about creation.
2. What science is, its limitations, and the
relation of science to our faith.
a. Science
properly defined is simply a method for learning about the natural world, and this
scientific method with its rules has nothing to say about what a scientist believes.
b. Science can
only investigate the natural world, so science can neither prove or disprove the real
existence of God.
c. Consequently,
scientists, students and teachers of science are free to accept or reject any religious or
irreligious belief whatsoever.
d. All
scientists, teachers and students of science should be approved or rewarded solely on the
basis of the quality of their work. There should be no discrimination because of what they
do or do not believe.
e. It is
important for Christians concerned with science to be alert to any effort of
anti-Christians to make their anti-Christian beliefs a part of the definition of science,
of the scientific method, or of a scientific attitude.
f. By the same
token, Christians should not try to make their Christian beliefs a part of the definition
of science.
g. A Christian
whom God calls to take part in science or some other field of scholarship should desire to
do well in order to glorify God by demonstrating to the world that being a Christian helps
one to do well.
3. How we can know about the world
a. Two kinds of
faith concerning how we can know about the world
1) Christian
believers in creation
a) By faith they believe that there are at least two
ways of gaining knowledge about the world: (1) divine revelation in the Bible and (2)
scientific research.
b) Their faith is in the infinite-personal Spirit, God the Creator of
all things, who is revealed in the Bible.
2) Non-Christian
believers in evolution
a) By faith they believe that there is only one way of
gaining knowledge about the world: scientific research.
b) Their faith is in dumb atoms, natural laws, time and
b. These two
beliefs about knowledge can be neither proved or disproved by science.
c. Therefore, one
can hold either belief about sources of knowledge and be a good scientist. Each person is
simply required to abide by the rules of the scientific method.
d. Christians
have a special responsibility to distinguish between and not confuse scientific knowledge
with divinely revealed truth. Scientific knowledge is knowledge which can be gained by
means of the scientific method of research. The divinely revealed truths about the world
which are recorded in the Bible are in general not scientific knowledge, because they
cannot be discovered by science. Christians by faith believe that they are facts, because
God has told us the Truth in His Word the Bible.
e. Science does
not discover truth, because everything in science is continually open to correction and
revision on the basis of new knowledge. Only God can reveal truth, that is, knowledge
which never changes or needs correction or revision.
4. The rights of Christians in science,
education, and all forms of scholarship
a. Christians in
science have as much right to their beliefs as do the non-Christians and the
b. Christians
should not expect special privileges, but only an equal opportunity to demonstrate by the
quality of their performance that their faith is relevant to science and other fields of
c. In other
words, Christians should have equal opportunity to show that they, too, can apply the
scientific method to gain new knowledge about the natural world.
d. Christians and
all other people of whatever kind of belief or unbelief should be judged and rewarded
solely on the basis of the quality of their performance under the rules of the method of