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Study Questions

A. Why Do We Believe What We Believe?

Q-1. Can you think of an example of your own to explain why we must be careful to have good reasons for what we believe? Write it down.


1. There Are Many Reasons for Believing.

Q-2. Select three of the list of 11 reasons for believing. For each one explain why it will sometimes--or perhaps often--be a poor source or reason for believing something.

Q-3. From the list of 11 reasons for believing, select and list three which you think are most reliable. Also list three which you think are the least reliable.


2. We Need Reliable Standards for Making Judgments, and God Provides Them.

Q-4. Why do we need reliable standards for making judgments?

Q-5. To whom should we turn for our primary and most basic standards for judgment?

Q-6. Is there any area of your life, or any subject, in which you do not need to make Jesus Christ Lord? If there were, would He be Lord of all to you?

Q-7. Why is Jesus Christ qualified to be Lord of all and to be your authority for making judgments in your life?


3. By the Bible, God's Word, We Can Test for Truth.

Q-8. What do we need in order to test ideas to see if they are true?

Q-9. Where is this to be found?

Q-10. What does the verb, "to sanctify," mean?

Q-11. What is the first and most important thing that God wants to accomplish in us?

Q-12. In order to use the Bible correctly as a source of truth on which to base our judgments, what must we be careful to do in our study of the Bible?

Q-13. In order to apply the knowledge from the Bible in making right judgments in the problems and questions of life, what must we have and what must we do in addition to having correct Bible knowledge?


4. Correct Interpretation Is Very Important.

Q-14. What does the verb, "to interpret," mean?

Q-15. In interpreting a set of observed data (facts) what are two important things to remember?

Q-16. What is the fundamental assumption made by most paleontologists (students of fossils) which they interpret fossils?

Q-17. Would a Christian paleontologist seek to interpret fossils without any preconceived assumptions in his mind?

Q-18. Does the fact that one paleontologist assumes that evolution is a fact and the other assumes that creation is a fact make either one more or less "scientific" than the other?

Q-19. Can you write down four important rules for interpreting the Bible? Do it.

Q-20. What is the cause of some supposed "errors" in the Bible?


5. The Importance of Being a Critical Thinker

Q-21. Give several reasons why is it important for a Christian to be a critical thinker.

Q-22. What is the main reason that many very able worldly people, though they are in many ways critical thinkers, are walking in darkness and make such serious errors in judgment?

Q-23. Can a Christian, who because of mental laziness fails to "do his homework," expect to be able to think critically about the problems of life? Explain your answer.


6. Summary and Conclusions: The Truth Test for What We Believe

Q-24. Can you explain in your own words why and how a Christian can gain the ability to think critically and the habit of doing so?


B. Critical Thinking About What We Learn in School

Q-25. Describe briefly three different kinds of schools Christian students may attend.

Q-26. In view of Q-15, explain why it is important for Christian students to learn how to think critically.

Q-27. Explain in what ways you think Matthew 5:14-16 might be applied by Christian students in their classes in school.

C. Testing Important Areas of Knowledge by the Word of God

1. Testing Science and Science Courses by the Word of God

Q-28. Read carefully the paragraph under the above heading. Does a Christian who has only a very limited amount of knowledge about science have any reliable basis for questioning or criticizing the opinions of a professional scientist or science teacher? Explain your answer.


a. Jesus Christ Is Lord of Science.

Q-29. Explain what Acts 10:36 and Ephesians 1:22 mean to you for your personal life as a Christian.

Q-30. Did the Lord Jesus say anything related to science? Where is this reported in the Scriptures?

Q-31. Explain what John 5:45-47 means to Christian students who are studying science.

Q-32. The prophet, Moses, reported in the opening chapters of Genesis many things which relate to ideas which many scientists have about the world, especially about the beginning of the world. If Moses disagrees with some of the conclusions of these scientists, how can we know that he is right and they are wrong? Whom should be believe, and why? Sure, the scientists were not there in the beginning to observe what happened, but neither was Moses. How did Moses find out what happened in the beginning of the world? By whose authority did he give his report in Genesis?


b. Summary: Christians, Believers in Christ and the Bible, Walk by Faith.

Q-33. What is the most important reason that Christians should believe in the creation of all things by God?

Q-34. What part has scientific evidence in the Christian's believing in creation?

Q-35. Will we in this life ever know enough about science to be able to say, "We know enough about the scientific facts so we do not have to walk by faith"? Explain your answer.

Q-36. What are some "facts of faith" which give us Christians authority and justification in criticizing the opinions of scientists which contradict the Bible?


c. What Does Genesis Teach About Creation and Evolution?

Q-37. Why is the first chapter of Genesis said to be a "chronology"?

Q-38. What are the four different "perspectives" or points of view from which Moses wrote the first three chapters of Genesis?

Q-39. Recite as many teachings of the first chapter of Genesis as you can from memory.

Q-40. Do the words of Genesis 1 and 2 allow for the possibility that evolution from amoebas to man could be true? Explain your answer.

Q-41. If the words of Genesis 1 and 2 are taken to allow for the origin of man by evolution, rather than by divine creation, what happens to language? What happens to the authority of the Bible?


d. Christians Have an Advantage Over Unbelievers.

Q-42. In addition to studying facts very carefully, what especially enables Christians to understand what the facts mean?

Q-43. Why do Christians involved in science have an advantage over scientists who are not Christians?

Q-44. Why do some scientists attempt to discover how life could have started on earth by chance chemical reactions?

Q-45. Why are scientists who are Christians not interested in doing experiments to find out how life could have started by chance?

Q-46. What is a possible kind of research problem which a Christian student of genetics might want to conduct?


e. The Requirements for Being a Good Scientist

Q-47. Can a person who believes in evolution and rejects creation be a good scientist?

Q-48. Can a person who believes in creation and rejects evolution be a good scientist?

Q-49. Can a scientist who believes in "little green men from Pluto" be a good scientist? State two qualities of his research which would make his work "good science."


f. Science: What It Is, Its Limitations, Its Relation to Faith

1) What is Science?

Q-50. Can you write down a concise definition of science? Try it.

Q-51. Do we learn some scientific facts through just ordinary daily human experience? If so, give an example.

Q-52. What is meant by the term "natural world"?

Q-53. Through what means do we experience the natural world in the course of our human experience of life?

Q-54. How is human experience extended in the practice of science?

Q-55. List several different possible motivations for scientific investigations.

Q-56. What is a scientific hypothesis?

Q-57. What is the "central policy of the scientific method"?

Q-58. Since every scientific theory, even though it is supported by a large body of evidence, must always be open to further testing, does science discover absolute truth?

Q-59. If science does not discover truth, what does it discover?

Q-60. What makes science self-correcting?


2) What Are the Limitations of Science?

a) Science cannot investigate anything immaterial.

Q-61. Why cannot science investigate anything that is immaterial?


b) Science Is Neutral to Ethical, Moral and Spiritual Issues.

Q-62. Why cannot science investigate ethical, moral and spiritual issues?

Q-63. Does a correct definition of science have anything to say about a scientist's philosophical, religious, or irreligious belief system? Explain why or why not.

Q-64. Who should be able to participate in science?


3) Authority in Science

Q-65. What is the final authority in science?

Q-66. What is any student justified in doing whenever a statement made in a science text or in a classroom appears to involve faith?


4) Quality and Equality for Christians in Science

Q-67. According to a correct definition of science, what rights and privileges should Christians enjoy in science and other fields of scholarship?

Q-68. What are the special responsibilities of Christians who are participating in science?

Q-69. Now, can you explain the definition of science which you wrote down earlier? Think it through.


2. Testing History Courses by the Word of God

Q-70. What is one of the unique characteristics of biblical Christianity?

Q-71. What have anti-Christian writers done to history textbooks during this century?

Q-72. What have they achieved by their erroneous portrayal of history?


a. What Is History?

Q-73. Give a definition of history?

Q-74. What are the two principal kinds of data of history?


b. What Is the Christian Perspective on History?

Q-75. What is the initial fact of human history at which the Christian perspective for history differs radically from the secular perspective?

Q-76. List five principal themes of history from the Christian perspective?


c. What Is the Secular(non-Christian) Perspective On History?

Q-77. List as many as you can of themes of the secular perspective on history.


d. Neutralizing the Secular Approach to History

1) Do your homework.

Q-78. Why do Christian students attending a secular school need to do extra studying?


a) The basic framework of biblical history

Q-79. Why does a Christian student in a secular history class need to know the biblical history?


b) The basics of archaeological support for biblical history

Q-80. How can some knowledge of biblical archaeology be useful to a Christian student in a secular historyclassroom?


c) Some knowledge of the place of Christianity in American, British and European history

Q-81. Are you willing to turn off the TV and instead read some biographies of Christian men and women of the past who accomplished great things for Christ because their lives were wholly dedicated to serving Him?

Q-82. How did John Wyckliff serve God and his fellow Englishmen?

Q-83. Why did the Roman Catholic Church burn at the stake Jan Huss of Czechoslovakia?

Q-84. What did Martin Luther, the German monk, set off?

Q-85. What did William Tyndale do for his country, England?

Q-86. What did the Pilgrims and Puritans who founded the New England colonies rely upon as their source of fundamental civil and criminal law?

Q-87. In view of the sacrifices and sufferings of these Christians in the past, who handed down to us a free America, do you think Christian students should be willing to take a little flak in the classroom by putting their Christian perspective in competition with the secular, anti-Christian perspective?


d) The importance of reading, listening and thinking critically

Q-88. Are you willing to make the extra effort which critical thinking requires?


2) Some important tactics for Christian students

a) Recognizing, Identifying the Secular Errors

Q-89. What are some of the different kinds of secular errors for which students should be on the alert in the classroom?


b) Asking intelligent, probing questions

Q-90. Can any teacher rightly complain if a student asks intelligent questions which are relevant to the subject under discussion?

Q-91. Will a competent teacher complain if a student's questions a critical of the teacher's conclusions or opinions?

Q-92. In both history and science, what is the final ground for correct understanding of the subject?


c) Demanding evidence, proof

Q-93. If a statement cannot be supported with suitable factual evidence, how should it be labeled?

Q-94. If just one student asks intelligent questions, how can this help other students in the classroom?

3. Testing Social Studies by the Word of God

a) Sociology

Q-95. What is meant by "pluralism" or "pluralistic society"?

Q-96. What often characterizes people who are most zealous for pluralism?

Q-97. Why is it that pluralism is commonly practiced so as to allow all viewpoints equal influence except for biblical Christianity?

Q-98. Is the term "separation of church and state" to be found in the U.S. Constitution?

Q-99. Do the words of the First Amendment forbid Christians or Christian principles from having influence in government and public affairs?

Q-100. Just what does the First Amendment forbid?

Q-101. What got the Christians into trouble in the first century Roman Empire?

Q-102. Can you rehearse several question which could be asked in a sociology classroom in which it has been implied that Christianity or religion in general should have no influence upon government and public affairs?


b) Psychology

Q-103. What is the common fundamental assumption of most textbooks on psychology?

Q-104. Can you rehearse a sequence of questions which demonstrate the logical argument for the existence of God and the creation of man by God?

Q-105. If there is no divine, universal moral law, what is the ultimate basis for right and wrong in the world?


c) Sex education or family life courses

Q-106. What is the crucial flaw in courses in sex education as they are commonly taught in public schools?

Q-107. What is meant by "situation ethics"?

Q-108. If a Christian student is to be able to counteract the immoral teachings of a typical public school treatment of sex education or family life, what vital preparation must he or she have?

Q-109. Can you state several of the questions suggested for a Christian counteraction, and can you defend the Christian point of view for each one?


d) Comparative world religions and bible literature

Q-110. What is the bias commonly found in textbooks used in comparative religion classes?

Q- 111. What has happened to the theology of the majority of the Protestant church denominations?

Q-112. How can the so-called "Christianity" taught in these denominations and much of the Roman Church be characterized?


(1) The Attack on the Bible: the Documentary or JEDP Hypothesis

Q-113. What are the three fundamental assumptions of the so-called "higher criticism" of the Old Testament which was developed in Germany in the last century?

Q-114. What was the primary "evidence" which the higher critics based their theory that the Pentateuch(the five books of Moses, Genesis through Deuteronomy) was written not by Moses?

Q-115. Why is this theory known as the "JEDP Hypothesis"?

Q-116. Why is this theory also known as the "Documentary Hypothesis"?

Q-117. What is the main problem with using the word, documentary, in the name, Documentary Hypothesis?

Q-118. What do the higher critics do to get a substitute for evidence to use in place of actual J, D, E and P documents?


(2) Getting Rid of a God Who Predicts the Future--Successfully!

Q-119. What do the higher critics do with the prophet Isaiah?

Q-120. What is an important reason for their claim that much of Isaiah's prophecy was written a century or so after Isaiah lived?

Q-121. Do they have any real proof for their claims about the date of Isaiah's prophecy

Q-122. What do the higher critics do with Daniel's prophecy?

Q-123. Why do they claim that Daniel's prophecy was not written by Daniel?

Q-124. Do they have any real proof for their claims about the date of Daniel's prophecy?

Q-125. What does the Lord Jesus Christ think about the prophecies of Isaiah and Daniel?


(3) Critics Attack the New Testament Also.

Q-126. What is the evidence which the form critics offer to support their theory that the four gospels were produced by putting together many separate oral and written stories and sayings attributed to Jesus?

Q-127. Are there any ancient documents to prove that the form critics' theory about the sources of the gospels is correct?

Q-128. Can you list and criticize three of the form critics' assumptions about the four gospels of the New Testament?

Q-129. What logical fallacy are the form critics committing by basing their study of the New Testament on their chosen assumptions?

4) Neutralizing Attacks on Biblical Christianity in Comparative Religion and Bible Literature Courses

Q-130. Can you recall some of the suggested questions to be used in the classroom? Write them down in your own words.


Q-131. Can a Christian student be silent in the presence of persistent anti-Christian error in a classroom and rightly feel that he or she is glorifying our Father in heaven?

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