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The Great Dinosaur Mistake

Man and Dinosaurs

There is also good evidence which supports the Biblical framework that man and dinosaurs have co-existed at some time in the past. The Paluxy River bed near the city of Glenrose, Texas, contains dinosaur footprints. For many years reports have circulated that human footprints including giant tracks are to be found there also. I spoke with a man in the area who says that in 1911 a flash flood came through and washed all the sediment away, taking the river bed down to its limestone base. He walked out one day and found nine human tracks.

The tracks were 16 inches long and nine inches across, indicating the man had a pretty big foot. The stride was six feet. My informant reported that evidently something happened, because the stride changed to nine feet, indicating the track-maker started to run. Not being a scientist, and thinking the tracks unimportant the finder did not show them to anyone. Later on floods eroded these tracks away and they are gone.

Yet other tracks have been taken from the river bed. One particular track was 16 inches long, 9 inches across and showed the ball of the foot, the arch, the heel, and toes.

I have seen the hole in the river bed from which the track was cut. We found tracks before and after the one taken out of the river, but they are not as good since erosion has taken its toll. However, the impressions of the toes, arch, and heel are still observable. Yet, scientists for the most part who have not gone out and examined the area, refuse to believe that humans existed with dinosaurs and do not feel it is a worthwhile project to make first-hand observations.

In the summer of 1971, I had the privilege of working with a research team which spent most of the time sandbagging the Paluxy River bed, pumping out the water, scraping away the debris down to the limestone, washing it, and looking for footprints. We found some footprints and followed one series under the bank of the river by lifting off the overlying material back about 12 feet. Layers (up to 8 feet) of dirt rock debris and limestone were removed using earth moving equipment in order to continue our examination of the flat limestone surface under the bank. This find was unique. The evolutionist has often told us that human footprints could not exist in this river bed if dinosaur prints were there also. Man did not live at the same time as dinosaurs. Some of the evolutionists have gone as far as to say that all these footprints were carvings by Indians.

It is rather difficult to carve a footprint under eight feet of solid rock and dirt. Finding these tracks under the bank erases the possibility that these are carvings. Some people claim they are erosion marks. Erosion can do strange things with rock, but is seems to me that erosion could hardly be responsible for a set of prints having the ball of a foot, arch, heel, and a few toes visible, left, right, left, right, left, right, at three foot intervals. The eighth track of this particular series crosses a three-toed dinosaur track. Then there is a gap of about 15 feet and another human track. The series then continues off into the river.

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