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The Dwelling Place
A Ministry of Being
The State of Being
The Plight of Man
Conformed to this World
Transformed to His Image
Transformation Proclamation
In His Image
God's Call
A Personal Inventory
A Spiritual Survey
The Man
The Woman
Marriage Roles
Becoming One
The Giver of Life

God's Purpose

          Righteous - Holy
          "Be Ye Perfect"


A State of Being






Man's Purpose

"As god Knowing
    Good and Evil"

"Conformed to this World"

The Result of the Fall




Man searches for God using images or steps that are conformed to this world

Fallen Man

We think, we seek, we do, with a fallen mind conformed to the image of the world
Good can seem right to man - but is still a result of the fallen mind

Evil can be transformed into Good - good is also a wrong choice

Man becomes as god

When man is in charge... We have never sought God for who He is, but for who we want Him to be.
Conformed to the world in man's best image of the world or self. both decisions are wrong for man has made himself god, choosing Good and Evil  We create a god in our own image as one who meets our needs our own way.
Man can become all that he can be or he can yield his life to God and become all that God wants him to be. The best man can be is still man's righteousness or filthy rags

This is based on what is, from our fallen world view,  not God's.

Man cannot get to God on his own, but can create a god in his own image, where self becomes god.

There is none good,
no not one
Man becomes god when he lives the curse of the Fall, choosing Good and Evil

Everything we do comes from our image of what is (reality), not from the One who is the
ultimate reality - GOD

The choice is what makes man god.


"Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed into His image by the renewing of your mind."

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